Wednesday, June 6, 2012

First day of summer vacation!

My son's last day of preschool for the year was on June 1st.  He was sad that he won't get to play in his fun classroom anymore or see his teachers. I assured him that we would see his friends over the summer and that come September he'll be back at school.  In the meantime, I have three full months to plan activities for him to keep him busy and entertained.  I have lots of things planned!

Over the weekend my son told me several times that he was sad about no more school.  To ease into the summer transition, I scheduled a play date for him with one of his school buddies, who met us at the Please Touch Museum.  The boys had a blast playing while the moms had a chance to catch up and chat. I love going to the Please Touch Museum on Mondays, as there are no scheduled school groups and it is usually not too busy.  We could have spent hours there, and we always leave there wanting more, but that just means we get to return.

I am always impressed with how the museum operates.  Exhibits are always being refreshed, so when a part wears out it is replaced or fixed.  The new train exhibit downstairs kept the boys busy for a good half hour.  Something about shoveling pretend coal is fascinating to four year olds. We discovered a new trolley in the transportation area that my son just loved.  We visited it twice that day because it was that much fun!  (My son is obsessed with SEPTA and trains, so this really fit in with his interests!)

My son got injured there, again, and the museum staff handled it great.  He cut his finger on a switch.  After I got him cleaned up and bandaged, I went back to the room where he got hurt and told the staff person on duty about it, as I was concerned that maybe there was blood on the switch and it should be cleaned.  It was not at all the museum's fault, I think he just got his finger tip pinched.  Two more staff members approached me to make sure he was ok and talked to my son too.  The last time we visited, he got a splinter.  That time I asked about getting a band aid and was equally impressed with how helpful the staff were.  I just love that place.  Membership has really paid off for us, as we can go as often as we want. We will be visiting there often this summer!

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